
 Just a little something to explain the reasoning behind this blog.

This blog is my central node created for an assignment through Curtin University's Web Communications a.k.a WEB101. In an online world where so many 'voices' are given and heard I have decided to share a little piece of me regarding the novels I am, have and will read.
I love nothing more than snuggling into a warm comfy bed with a good book (or e-reader as the case may be) and jumping feet first into a world I know was created just for me ;)...

A teenage addiction to books particulary Anne Rice and her Vampire Chronicles has now led to a lifelong obsession with reading, I love all styles of writing and have a knack for picking up the right book for me and sometimes others....yes the covers help HOORAY for their marketing team.
Following my teen years I became hooked on the psycho killer novels of Richard laymen, James Patterson and Kathy Reichs so much so that my partner expected our unborn children to be born with a blood lust ;).
This long obsession with death soon led to an introduction (by Holly the Vampire sl... opps I mean Telstra cashier) to the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer and a new obsession with death was 'born'.

Currently I am in love with all things fantasy urban fantasy, YA paranormal and erotica paranormal novels or more to the point vampires, werewolves, magic, mayhem, sex, witches and warlocks.... but you get the idea. This is what I plan to base my web presence on and with such a plethora (my partner is addicted to this word right now and therefore its rubbed off on me...sorry) of authors and books writing for this genre I wont have any problems finding new and exciting things to read.

This page along with my Facebook page, my Twitter account my Goodreads page and my Delicious Bookmarks will all be inter-linked providing a place for me to write about what I am, have, and will read along with storing sites i find in my travels that are relevant to this theme. I am by no means formally educated in literature, english or anything else relating to book reviewing but I do know what I like and what I dont like and would love to share those opinions with you.

Bye for now Kellie